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Root Canal Therapy

Our team at Bayview Dental Center wants to preserve each of your natural teeth should they suffer harm, rather than replace them. Our dedicated dental team provides thorough root canals in Texas City, TX, which can save infected teeth.

When Is A Root Canal Necessary?

The ultimate goal of a root canal is to remove the interior soft tissue of the tooth (the pulp) as it has become infected, most likely due to a cavity forming in the enamel. This will keep the infection from spreading and causing tooth loss and other major oral care issues.

The most common causes of an infected tooth are:

  • An untreated cavity leads to tooth decay
  • A chipped or cracked tooth
  • An injured tooth (while the exterior of the tooth doesn’t show signs of damage, the pulp itself can become inflamed)

Routine dental exams are the greatest method to determine whether or not you may need a root canal. However, if you are experiencing frequent discomfort (such as difficulty chewing), suffering from tooth pain, or notice any sudden discoloration of a tooth, see your dentist right away!

What Is The Root Canal Process?

We want to make sure all of our patients feel informed and comfortable with every procedure or service we provide, which is why we begin all of our root canal processes with a consultation. During this meeting, we want you to feel encouraged to ask any questions or voice any concerns. If you suffer from dental anxiety, you can also ask about our sedation dentistry options.

Step One: Anesthetic

With the consultation complete and questions asked and answered, the first step of the physical procedure is very straightforward. It begins with our dental team carefully applying a numbing agent around the infected tooth.

Once the numbing agent has taken effect, we will treat your gums with a local anesthetic to make this the most comfortable and pain-free experience possible.

Step Two: Removing The Infected Pulp

Once your tooth and gums have been treated with their respective anesthetics, it is time to move on to the restorative procedure. This is done by gently and carefully making an opening at the top of the problematic tooth, exposing the infected pulp. This allows our dental team to begin to remove the infected pulp.

It is important to eliminate any signs of infection from not only the interior chamber of a tooth but also the canals themselves. Only when the entirety of a tooth is working together, each part functioning at its greatest levels of performance, can you guarantee your dental health.

Step Three: Antibiotics

Now that the infected pulp and biomaterial have been physically removed from the problematic areas, it is time to make sure that no bacteria or any other risk factors remain.

To accomplish this, we will treat the tooth and surrounding area with a topical antibiotic, greatly decreasing the chance of reinfection. Depending on the severity of the infection, you may be prescribed oral antibiotics after your root canal procedure.

The Final Step: Sealing For Healing

The infected pulp is removed, and the antibiotics are at work, so we’re now ready for the final step. As your tooth’s pulp has been removed, it needs to be replaced, which we do by adding a biocompatible material. This ensures the integrity of the tooth and provides the tooth with its full, natural function!

Once your tooth has been filled, a crown will be placed atop your tooth. In most cases, discussions of a permanent crown whether needed or desired would be covered in your consultation and may require a separate appointment.

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